The Society was established in 1997 to promote contemporary literature and democratic cultural policies. Its almost 400 members include some of the internationally most acclaimed Hungarian writers as well as cultural journalists and cultural managers from across Hungary, and also writers and critics of the Hungarian minorities and diasporas, along with international translators and scholars of Hungarian literature.
It organizes readings, conferences, festivals and other cultural events within and beyond the borders of Hungary. It has collaborated with a long list of Hungarian and international organizations.
Alapszabály/2020, Rechtsstatut, Articles
Its various programmes include:
SILO - Socially Inclusive Literature Operation - a Creative Europe programme >>>
The Afterlife of Books: Readings, talks and discussions of recent books.
Contemporary Literature in Schools: A programme for schools to invites writers to literary classes.
The annual Festival: Since 2004 each year Szépírók Társasága has organised a two day event of readings, talks, debates, exhibitions, screenings, and music focusing on a single topic. Previous topics included Transition and Translation; Crisis, Poverty and Solidarity; Children and Youth Literature; Neighbourhood and Freedom; Minority Perspectives; Women in Literature.
Szépírók Társasága
Károlyi u. 16.
1053 Hungary