2025. január 26., vasárnap
Gyukics Gábor

Gyukics Gábor


Költő, műfordító

Gyukics Gábor a magyarországi Open Reading (Nyitott versfelolvasó) és a Jazzköltészeti estek meghonosítója. 1999 óta száznál több est szervezője és levezetője, melyeken neves és (még) névtelen meghívott költők egyaránt szerepeltek.

Gyukics Gábor életrajza és munkássága angol nyelven (pdf)


Original Poetry:

- detoxication of the body, poetry in English, El Martillo Press, Los Angeles, CA 2024
- kié ez az arc poetry in Czech, translated by Robert Svoboda, Protimluv Press, Ostrava, Czech Republic 2019
- kié ez az arc poetry in Arabic, translated by Abdallah Naggar, Sanabel Press, Cairo, Egypt 2019
- végigtapint, selected poetry in Hungarian, Lector Publishing, Romania 2018
A Hermit Has no Plural, poetry in English, Singing Bone Press, Columbia, SC, USA 2015            
- Selected Poetry in Bulgarian, translated by Stefka Hrusanova, Gutenberg Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria 2013
- kié ez az arc, in Hungarian, L’Harmattan Publishing, Budapest 2011
- Lepkék vitrinben, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest 2006
- versKÉPzelet, poems and writings on art in Hungarian and 22 works by 20 contemporary fine artists, Hanga Publishing, Budapest 2005
- A remete többes száma, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest, 2002
- Last Smile, English-Hungarian, Cross-Cultural Communications, New York, 1999, Preface by Hal Sirowitz
- Utcai Elődás, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest, 1998

Original Prose:

Kisfa galeri «socio-horror», in Hungarian, L’Harmattan Publishing, Budapest, 2014

Poetry Translations to Hungarian:

- Nélkülözhetetlen Allen Ginsberg, editor of Hungarian editions, translated by Gábor G Gyukics ... et al. Europa Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2022
- Viselnéd a szemem, an anthology of American poetry and prose, Károli University Press and L’Harmattan Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2021
- Medvefelhő a város felett, contemporary North American indigenous poetry anthology, Scolar Publishing, Budapest Hungary 2015
- Nagy Kis-Madár, the poetry of Jim Northrup, Új Forrás and Librarius Publishings, Tata, Hungary 2013
- Átkelés, Contemporary American Poetry Anthology, Nyitott Könyvműhely, 2007 Budapest, Hungary
- Cornucopion-Bőségszaru, selected poetry of Ira Cohen, I.T.M and Új Mandátum Publishings, Budapest, Hungary 2007
- A szem önéletrajza, selected poetry of Paul Auster, Barruss Publishing, 2007 Budapest
- Half-Naked Muse / Félmeztelen múzsa, Contemporary American Poetry Anthology, bilingual, Magyar Könyvklub Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2000

Poetry Translations to English: 

-They’ll be Good for Seed, contemporary Hungarian Poetry anthology, editor, translator. White Pine Press, Buffalo, New York. USA, 2021
- Shelter Under the Sun, Poetry of Three Hungarian Women (Zita Izsó, Borbála Kulin, Krisztina Rita Molnár) Singing Bone Press, Columbia, SC, USA, 2021
- Some Windows/Enige Fenster, poetry by Dennis Maloney in 11 languages, Hungarian translation by Gabor G Gyukics, Translingual Bd.4, Hochroth Bielefeld 2021
- The Heart Attacks of the Soul, Gypsy Cantos, selected poetry of Attila Balogh, co-translator Michael Castro, Singing Bone Press, Charleston, SC, USA, 2018
- My God, How Many Mistakes I've Made, selected poetry of Endre Kukorelly, co - translator Michael Castro, Singing Bone Press, Columbia, SC, USA 2015
- Terrenum, an art book by Ádám Gáll visual artist including his poetic works in English, co-translator Michael Castro, EX-BB Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2009
- A Transparent Lion, Selected poetry of Attila József, co-translator Michael Castro, Green Integer Publishing, Los Angeles, USA 2006
- Gypsy Drill, collected poetry of Attila Balogh, co-translator Michael Castro, Neshui Publishing, St. Louis, USA 2006
- Consciousness, Attila József DVD, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest 2005
- Swimming in the Ground, Contemporary Hungarian Poetry Anthology, co-translator Michael Castro, Neshui Publishing, St. Louis, USA 2002

Nonfiction Translations:

- A Historical Painter in the 20th Century Tibor András, Argumentum, Budapest, 2017
- Memories and Reflections of the Dispossessed, The Czechoslovak-Hungarian Population Exchange 1945-1949, co-translator Tom Bass, Kompress Printing, Komárom, Hungary, 2010
Beszélő tárgyak: a Petőfi család relikviái, by Zsuzsa Kalla and Rita Ratzky, English translation by Gábor G Gyukics, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, 2006
- Nyugat-Balkán, Travel Book - Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Slovenia, with Peter Veres, Park Publishing, Budapest, 2006
- A Golem story may be? An art book by Levente Thury ceramic artist, Ráday Könyvesház Publishing, Budapest 2005 [translated by Gábor G Gyukics...et al.
- Public Spaces of Modern Architecture in Budapest 1.: Budapest Cinemas and "Grand Café Budapest" -Németh, Zsófia (ed.) -Ernst Museum, Budapest, 2003

Drama Translations to Hungarian:

- Steven Berkoff: Decadence, Kalligram, Bratislava - Budapest 1994/7-8, stage reading at Studio K Theater, Budapest, 2023
- Steven Berkoff:  Greek, Radnóti Theatre, Budapest, 1994
- Steven Berkoff:  Kvetch, Criticai Lapok theatre magazine, Bp., 1999/7-8
- Steven Berkoff:  Kvetch, Gárdonyi Géza Theatre, Eger, 2004
- Steven Berkoff: Greek, Kalligram literary magazine, Bratislava-Budapest 2005/1-2

Drama Translations to English:

- Shakespeare/37 project, translating the remake of every Shakespeare play, swapping the stage for the screen. Trip Productions, Budapest, Hungary, ongoing since 2021
- California Dreaming, by Edina Tallér, Pilvax Productions, New York, USA, 2022


- Vibration of Words, jazz poetry in English, Origo Studio, Budapest, 2018. Music: Ágoston Béla soprano and C melody saxophones, alto clarinet, kaval, glissonic, fijura, Bori Viktor piano, Pengő Csaba double bass, Gabor G Gyukics poetry
- Beépített arcok, jazz poetry in Hungarian, Origo Studio, Budapest, 2018. Music: Ágoston Béla soprano and C melody saxophones, alto clarinet, kaval, glissonic, fijura, Bori Viktor piano, Dóra Attila soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, Eichinger Tibor guitar, Gabor G Gyukics poetry
- Sand Snail, English language poetry, Frogpond Productions, New York, 2000. Music: Mark Deutsch. 


- The Afterlife of a Book; the poetry of Gábor G. Gyukics with the eyes of contemporary fine artists, 15 poems –19 artists – 21 artworks, Mucius Gallery, Budapest, April 11- May 12, 2005
- Versvonzatok, the poetry of Gábor G. Gyukics with the eyes of contemporary fine artists. 21 poems – 21 artists – 25 artworks, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, December 4, 2018- January 20, 2019


Látó literary magazine American issue, 2006/5; guest editor, translator
Poetryrepairs.com v10.07:048, 2010/7; guest editor, translator, poet


- The Worlds of Gabor Gyukics on Vimeo, New York, New York, 2011
- Kulissza, a documentary about Gabor G Gyukics. MTV2, Budapest, Hungary, 2008
- Dictatorship of Taste, a documentary about Hungarian poetry, Neshui Films, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2008
- Poet to Poet, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Springfield Gardens, NY, 1996


Artslink Projekt Award New York, 1999
NKA alkotói ösztöndíja, 2007
Salvatore Quasimodo költészeti különdíj, 2012
Poesis 25 költészeti díj, Szatmárnémeti, Románia 2015
Füst Milán Fordítói Ösztöndíj, 2017 
National Beat Poetry Foundation  életműdíja, 2020




E-mail: hercegfy@gmail.com
