2024. november 8.
Írók, műfordítók számára
Društvo hrvatskih književnih prevodilaca (DHKP) raspisuje natječaj za boravak u DHKP-ovoj rezidenciji za prevodioce i pisce u 2025. godini. Ovaj DHKP-ov rezidencijalni program namijenjen je književnim prevodiocima koji žive izvan Hrvatske i prevode hrvatske autore na strane jezike te stranim piscima zainteresiranima za boravak u Zagrebu i objavljivanje na hrvatskom.
Cilj rezidencije je prije svega omogućiti gostu rad u mirnom okruženju i upoznavanje sa zagrebačkom kulturno-umjetničkom scenom i svakodnevicom. Dio vremena može biti namijenjen i sudjelovanju u književnim festivalima, tribinama, susretima s piscima, prevoditeljima i studentima.
Boravak uključuje besplatan smještaj i dnevnu naknadu u iznosu 30 €.
Rok za prijave: prijave za 2025. primaju se do kraja 2024. godine ili do popunjenja kapaciteta. Rezidencija će primiti između 8 i 15 rezidenata.
Trajanje boravka: 2-4 tjedna
Opis rezidencije: Soba s kupaonicom i s pristupom zajedničkoj kuhinji u stanu smještenom u centru Zagreba, koji dijeli s uredom DHKP-a.
Uvjeti: Za boravak u DHKP-ovoj rezidenciji mogu se prijaviti književni prevodioci i pisci koji su objavili barem jedno književno djelo odnosno prijevod.
Doprinosi: osvrt/pjesma/esej/priča/dnevnički zapis, koji će biti objavljeni na DHKP-ovu blogu.
Postupak za prijavu: Prijava treba sadržavati biografiju, bibliografiju, pismo motivacije te naziv djela na kojem će autor ili autorica raditi tijekom boravka u Zagrebu. Prijava se šalje na adresu:
Rezidenti dolaze u rezidenciju na poziv DHKP-a i prijavom na ovaj natječaj. U oba slučaja selekciju kandidata vrše Upravni odbor DHKP-a i koordinatorica projekta.
Web: www.dhkp.hr
Blog: www.rezidencija.dhkp.hr
Kontakt: Vlatka Tor, koordinatorica projekta i Erika Koporčić Sovilj, voditeljica ureda DHKP-a Prijavom na rezidenciju autori i autorice daju suglasnost DHKP-u da se njihovi osobni podaci obrađuju isključivo za potrebe rezidencije i vezanih aktivnosti te da se njihovo ime objavi na internetskoj stranici, a DHKP jamči rezidentima tajnost svih osobnih podataka koje oni sami ne žele objaviti.
Projekt financira Ministarstvo kulture i medijaRepublike Hrvatske i Grad Zagreb
Trg kralja Petra Svačića 15/II, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska, tel + 385 (0) 1 48 47 565 www.dhkp.hr – ured@dhkp.hr
Residency of the Croatian Literary Translators’ Association (CLTA) for literary translators and writers promotes and encourages cooperation between translators and writers from all over the world. Applications are open to literary translators who live abroad and translate Croatian writers, as well as to foreign writers interested in visiting Zagreb.
CLTA collaborates with language institutes, language departments at the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in Croatia, publishers, festivals and international networks for residential exchanges. The most significant part of our residents' stay is dedicated to their work on the text that brought them to Zagreb. Other activities may include panel discussions with fellow translators and writers, workshops and masterclasses at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, as well as partnerships with peers and guest appearances at literary festivals.
For the duration of their stay, residents will be accommodated in the residency apartment and receive a daily allowance of €30.
Application deadline: all year, availability permitting. However, we encourage candidates for the 2025 residency to apply by the end of 2024. Residency hosts an average of 8 to 15 residents a year.
Duration of residency: 2 to 4 weeks
Description of residency: A room with attached bathroom and access to the common kitchen in the residency apartment, shared with the CLTA office, located in the centre of Zagreb.
Eligible candidates: foreign translators and authors, with at least one published literary work or translation.
Contributions during the stay: residents are expected to write a text (essay, poem, short story, diary entry…) for the residency blog that is published during or after their stay. They might also be invited to literary meetings, public readings and events at city libraries, as well as to share their know-how with students from Croatian universities.
Application procedure: applications including a biography, a bibliography, a motivation letter, as well as the title of the book on which the candidate wishes to work during their stay are to be sent to:
The residency program participants are selected through special invitation and through open calls for proposals. In both cases, decisions are taken by the Program Board of the Croatian Literary Translators’ Association and the project coordinator.
Website: www.dhkp.hr
Residency blog: www.rezidencija.dhkp.hr
Contact: Vlatka Tor, project coordinator and Erika Koporčić Sovilj, CLTA / DHKP office manager
The project is funded by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media and the City of Zagreb