2025. január 22., szerda

The London Book Fair

2023. április 18.

The London Book Fair

18-20 April 2023

Defining the future of creative content

20 April 2023 17:30 - 18:30 Women's Poetry Night: Shelter Under the Sun (with all the authors: Zita Izsó, Borbála Kulin, Krisztina Rita Molnár, and the translator, Gabor Gyukics, moderator: Owen Good)
20 April 2023 19:00 - 20:30 Meet The Continental (Ladik Katalin, Tibor Fischer and Sándor Jászberényi)
22 April 2023 18:00 Meet the Aurhor: Krisztina Tóth (and the English translator of her book Barcode, Peter Sherwood)