Európai szerzők napja
2024. március 25.
Az európai szerzők napja a fiatalabb generációk olvasás iránti érdeklődését szeretné felkelteni, és arra ösztönzi őket, hogy felfedezzék az európai irodalom gazdagságát.
From Hungary the following authors will bring to you the joy of #europeanliterature on the #dayofeuropeanauthors #readingwitheurope :
Orsolya Karafiáth: 21th|03, Székesfehérvár, Hungary. Karafiáth Orsolya is a writer, editor, performer and moderator, published 11 books, four plays and writes lyrics. She is the head of the cultural column of the Magyar Narancs, the organiser and presenter of the Third Place apartment theatre. She writes for the Nők lapja group, also as columnist for hvg, where she is a member of the public talk show Szuvenír.
Molnár Krisztina Rita költő, író: 25th|03 at Budapest, Hungary. The poet, writer, literary translator won: Szépíró-díj 2018 (the prize from the Society of Hungarian Authors for the best authors) Bárka-díj 2020 (the prize from the Bárka Literary and Art Magazine).
Árpád Kollár: 26th|03 March, Subotica, Serbia. He has published studies, critiques and essays. His first collection of poetry, Például a Madzag (For Example the String), received several awards given to first time authors. The volume highlights concepts of boundaries, their expansion and contraction, and the possibility of crossing them. His third book is a collection of poems for children. Milyen madár (Which Bird) received the prize for the Best Children’s Book of the Year in Hungary in 2015.
Czinki Ferenc (Hungary): 05th April, Magyar Tannyelvű, Magán Szakközépiskola,
Gúta (Kolárovo), SLOVAKIA
Ferenc Czinki, Journalist, essayist, and fiction author, publishes in national newspapers such as Magyar Narancs and Élet és Irodalom and literary journals such as Kalligram, Hévíz, and Irodalmi Szemle. His novel A pozsonyi metró (“The Bratislava Metro”) was published in 2017 and his short story collection Egy kocsma város (“A Pub City”) appeared in 2014. Project manager of several international cultural programs, president of Szépírók Társasága (Society of Hungarian Authors).
András Cserna- Szabó : 05th April, Slovakia Cserna-Szabó András
#bookish #booklove #europe Creative Europe #ewc European Writers' Council